MI Lecture Notes
MI Lecture Note Vol.53
Title: Workshop on Algebraic constructions as a fundamental keystone of a safe and secure society―Mathematics for guaranteeing the reliability of the cyber-society―
Author: Yoshihiro SHIKATA, Kouichi SAKURAI, Takanori YASUDA, Xavier DAHANIf you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.52
Title: Study Group Workshop 2013 Abstract, Lecture & Report
Author: Osamu Saeki, Kanzo Okada, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Masato Wakayama, Masahiro YamamotoPDF file remain unpublicized. If you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.51
Title: Forum "Math-for-Industry'' 2013 "The Impact of Applications on Mathematics''
Author: Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu UniversityPDF file remain unpublicized. If you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.50
Title: Symposium MEIS2013: Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis
Author: Ken Anjyo, Hiroyuki Ochiai, Yoshinori Dobashi, Yoshihiro Mizoguchi, Shizuo KajiIf you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.49
Title: Development of Computer Algebra Research and Collaboration with Industry
Author: Akira Terui (University of Tsukuba), Katsuyoshi Ohara (Kanazawa University) ,Tatsuyoshi Hamada (Fukuoka University), Shun’ichi Yokoyama (Kyushu University), Hirokazu Anai (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. / Kyushu University) ,Hiroshi Yokota (Toshiba I.S. Corporation)If you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.48
Title: 博多ワークショップ「組み合わせとその応用」 -Hakata workshop, combinatrics and its applications-
Author: 溝口佳寛,脇隼人,平坂貢,谷口哲至,島袋修If you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.47
Author: Soo Teck LeePDF file remain unpublicized. If you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.46
Title: 科学・技術の研究課題への数学アプローチ 数学モデリングの基礎と展開
Author: 西井龍映・栄伸一郎・岡田勘三・落合啓之・小磯深幸・斎藤新悟・白井朋之If you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.45
Title: Joint Research Workshop of Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI), Kyushu University
Propagation of Ultra-large-scale Computation by the Domain-decomposition-method for Industrial Problems (PUCDIP 2012)
Editors: Hiroshi KanayamaIf you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
MI Lecture Note Vol.44
Title: 九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所共同利用研究集会Ⅱ モダン符号理論からポストモダン符号理論への展望
Author: 萩原 学PDF file remain unpublicized. If you need this Lecture Note, please send an e-mail to LN(at)imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp