International Journal of Mathematics for Industry (IJMI)
"International Journal of Mathematics for Industry"(IJMI), which was launched in 2019, is an open access journal published by World Scientific.
It reports and releases the results of MI-related research and education to an international audience.
IJMI is a continuation of the former
"Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry"(PJMI) which is an open access journal published by Springer.
Until 2013, we have published
The Journal of Math-for-Industry (JMI), which is a journal that serves as an institutional repository for the Institute of Mathematics for Industry.
MI Lecture Notes
The Mathematics for Industry (MI) Lecture Note Series is the successor to the COE Lecture Note Series of the 21st Century COE Program “Development of Dynamic Mathematics with High Functionality” (2003 – 2007) under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. These lecture notes have provided a record of lectures and presentations by invited researchers from Japan and abroad as part of “Support Program for Improving Graduate School Education” by MEXT (2007 _ 2009) and “Education and Research Hub for Math-for-Industry”, adopted as a global COE Program by MEXT (2008-2012).
Math-for-industry research
This publication is published in conjunction with the accreditation of the Institute of Mathematics for Industry as a "Joint Research Center for Advanced and Fundamental Studies in Industrial Mathematics" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan in April 2013.
It mainly publishes the proceedings of research meetings on math-for-industry and reports on the results of joint-use research.
Institute of Mathematics for Industry Newsletter
Institute of Mathematics for Industry Newsletter is published twice a year, in June and December, and contains information on the Institute's activities and announcements of open calls for joint research projects. An expanded edition is published in February each year.