Kyushu University Institute of Mathematics for Industry

The IMI Colloquium Report in October 13, 2021

The IMI Colloquium in October was held on October 13, 2021.

The IMI Colloquium in October
Title : Some Thoughts about Active Research Teams
Speaker : Kenichi Bannai (Keio University/RIKEN)
Place : Live-streaming by Zoom

In this talk, the speaker introduced about what the speaker is careful about and considers when organizing an active research team. The speaker, Professor Bannai Kenichi, has been involved in the mathematical science team of RIKEN AIP on machine learning as a leader since 2016, and he talked about what he gained through the construction and management of the research team, along with the following keywords. 「Google’s Project Aristotle」, 「Psychological Safety」, 「Stereotype Threat」, 「Respect for Minorities」, and so on. This talk was of great interest not only to students but also to faculty members and even people outside the university. It was a very interesting talk where we could learn important things in social life regardless of just organizing a research team.

Attendance: Staff 11, Students 19, Others(Postdoctoral Researchers and Outside academia) 27