Kyushu University Institute of Mathematics for Industry

Prof. Fujisawa’s research team takes 1st place in the Graph 500 for the third consecutive term.

Fujisawa’s collaboration team, RIKEN, Fixstars Corporation, and Fujitsu Limited have been ranked the first place in the world for three consecutive terms following November 2020 using the supercomputer “Fugaku” in the Graph500, international ranking supercomputers for large-scale graph analysis. As a result of success in improving the supercomputer “Fugaku” performance by measuring its full specifications.
This ranking will be announced by the Graph500 Committee on July 1st (Japan time) in the international conference “ISC2021” on HPC (High Performance Computing Technology). The performance of large-scale graph analysis is an important indicator in analyzing big data that requires large-scale and complex data processing. He promotes application development such as smart factories, MaaS (delivery optimization), and private companies using the technology that achieved the world’s highest performance.

RIKEN news (2021/6/29)

Fujitsu Limited(2021/6/28)

Graph500 Webpage

RIKEN R-CCS news (2021/7/5)