The IMI Colloquium Report in October 10, 2018
The IMI Colloquium in October was held on October 10, 2018.
The IMI Colloquium in October
Title : Schroedinger-Cat-Likeness in Adiabatic Approximation for Generalized Quantum Rabi Model without and with A Quadratic Interaction
Speaker : Prof. Masao HIROKAWA (Hiroshima University)
Place : IMI Auditorium (W1-D-413) (4F, West Zone 1, Kyushu University)
In this lecture, Prof. Masao Hirokawa (Hiroshima University) talked about his recent reserach on the intersection of mathematics and quantum mechanics. After the talk, active discussions were held.
Attendance: Staff 15, Students 15
The IMI Colloquium in June Photos.
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