The IMI Colloquium Report in December 12, 2018
The IMI Colloquium in December was held on December 12, 2018.
The IMI Colloquium in December
Title : How is the world going in macro point of view and how should the careers of students in Science and Engineering faculties be?!
Speaker : Mr. Kazuaki ODA (Slogan Inc. Co-Founder&Executive Fellow (Nagoya university Science faculty, mathmatics major in doctoral course))
Place : IMI Auditorium (W1-D-413) (4F, West Zone 1, Kyushu University)
Speaker made a presentation about how people with expertise in mathematics, information and engineering will can play an active role in the international community in the future.
Attendance: Staff 6, Students 12
The IMI Colloquium in June Photos.
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