The IMI Colloquium Report in January 10, 2018
The IMI Colloquium in January was held on January 10, 2018.
The IMI Colloquium in January
Advanced informatics recently applied to data analysis in materials science
Speaker : Ms. Ryoko OISHI-TOMIYASU (Yamagata University / JST PRESTO)
Place : IMI Auditorium (W1-D-413) (4F, West Zone 1, Kyushu University)
The speaker explained data analysis of diffraction of crystal structures, and its phase retrieval problem. Talking on the details of them, the speaker explained the mathematical aspects of them, in particular, non-linear optimizations. Finally, the speaker talked on the recent results related to these problems.
Attendance: Staff 13, Students 11
The IMI Colloquium in January Photos.
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