Kyushu University Institute of Mathematics for Industry

The IMI Colloquium Report in May, 2017

The IMI Colloquium in May was held on May 10, 2017.

The IMI Colloquium in May

Discovery of standing wave separation method inherent in railway track maintenance method and possibility for application to other engineering fields

Speaker : Gaku EHARA, Ph.D. in Engineering, Manager
(Design and Development Division Track&Structures Dept. JRWest)

Place : IMI Auditorium (W1-D-413) (4F, West Zone 1, Kyushu University)

The speaker explained the classical maintenance and inspection method of the railways which were considered to be effective experimentally, but theoretically not so clear why they work well. The speaker also explained their results to justify these methods mathematically. Also, they demonstrated mechanical computer used to proceed their methods by hand.

Attendance: Staff 9, Students 10

The IMI Colloquium in May Photos.
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