Kyushu University Institute of Mathematics for Industry

The IMI Colloquium Report in April, 2015

The IMI Colloquium in January was held on April 15, 2015.

The IMI Colloquium in April
Practical situations of applying mathematics in a manufacturing setting
– On optics and software programing –

Speaker:Masayasu SAWADA
(Mathematical Analysis Department, Advanced Technical Center, Nikon System Inc.)
Place:Lecture Room L-1 (3F, IMI, Kyushu University)

In this talk, through several problems in optics, the importance of learning mathematics was indicated. In addition, it was emphasized that softwares play an important role to connect mathematics and manufacturing. After the talk, there were discussions about several topics such as reason why Japanese manufacturing seems to decline.

Attendance: about 40

The IMI Colloquium in April Photos.
If you click each image, the big image appears.