The IMI Colloquium Report in May, 2013
The IMI Colloquium in May was held on May 15, 2013.
The IMI Colloquium in May
Industrial‐Academic‐Government Cooperation for Research in Optimization and Algorithm Engineering – Differences between ZIB and Universities in Japan –
Speaker:Yuji Shinano (Zuse Institute Berlin)
Place:Lecture Room L-1 (3F, IMI, Kyushu University)
The speaker, Dr. Shinano, is a member of the development group of SCIP Optimization Suite, which is one of the fastest mixed integer programming solvers, provided by Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). From the view point of how a mathematical research institute promotes cooperation among government, industry and academia, he presented various activities of ZIP. Their application-driven research cycle and other activities seem to be organically linked to each other. As a result, current high respect for ZIB would be attained. In the question and answer session, we enthusiastically asked him questions on those issues.
Attendance: about 35
The IMI Colloquium in May Photos.
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