Kyushu University Institute of Mathematics for Industry

The IMI Colloquium Report in January, 2013

The IMI Colloquium in January was held on January 16, 2013.

The IMI Colloquium in January
Statisitical machine learning techniques for the era of Big Data
Speaker:Naonori UEDA, Ph.D. (Director of NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
Place:Lecture Room L-1 (3F, IMI, Kyushu University)

The speaker, Naonori UEDA, Ph.D. (Director of NTT Communication Science Laboratories), talked about recent progress in big data analysis, such as Bayesian models and machine learning techniques. More than 20 staffs and 40 students attended.

The IMI Colloquium in January Photos.
If you click each image, the big image appears.