The 10th IMI Colloquium Report
The 10th IMI Colloquium was held on June 20, 2012.
The 10th IMI Colloquium
- Manufacturing and Mathematics – Symbolic Approach
- Working in US
Speaker:Ryusuke Masuoka, Ph. D., Principal Researcher
(Software Systems Laboratories, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited)
Place:Lecture Room L-1 (3F, IMI, Kyushu University)
The speaker, Dr. Ryusuke Masuoka, Principal Researcher, Software
Systems Laboratories, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited talked about
symbolic approach in optimization problems and its application
to HDD head design, and also presented a topic of software validation.
In the latter half of his talk, he introduced the experience of his working
in United States, which stimulated audience’s interest including about
20 staffs and 40 students.
The 10th IMI Colloquium Photos.
If you click each image, the big image appears.