Kyushu University Institute of Mathematics for Industry

I²CNER-IMI Joint International Workshop ~Statistics and AI for Energy Systems Research~

The above workshop will be held on January 30, 2025, as part of the big event “Kyushu University Energy Week 2025”.

This workshop is a collaborative workshop between IMI and I2CNER (International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research) with the aim of sharing research results from the standpoint of “applied mathematics” that will contribute to “solving problems latent in various energy issues and creating a carbon neutral society”.
The workshop is held every year during Kyushu University Energy Week as a collaborative effort between IMI and I2CNER.
This year, the main focus will be on “Statistics and AI Technology”.

The workshop is held at IMI this year, while it is usually held at the I2CNER Research Building 1.
The program is available at the following URL.

Registration is available via the I2CNER Annual Symposium website.
We look forward to your participation.