九州大学 マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所

2024年4月 IMI Colloquiumを開催しました

講演タイトル : 数学者が数学を産業界に活かす活動 ~産業界に期待される数学って何?~
講師:谷口 哲至 (広島工業大学 准教授/株式会社 産業数理研究所Calc 代表取締役社長)
参加者:61人 (内 学生: 24人; 教員: 33人; その他: 4人)


At this colloquium, the speaker gave a lecture about the possibility, challenges, and importance of collaboration between industry and the mathematical community through the role and achievements of Math. Research Institute Calc for Industry. He mentioned that “mathematics” as conceived by industry and “mathematics” as conceived by mathematicians are not identical, and that there exist gaps in various aspects of product development, commercialization, and industrialization, moreover, he explained the importance of mutual understanding between the two fields. In addition, he introduced materials produced by Calc. The materials were very informative, with easy-to-understand explanations of the meaning and importance of mathematical formulas, charts and graphs to make them visually comprehensible, and other innovations to make them easier to understand for those who are not specialists in mathematics. This lecture was very meaningful for IMI staff and students, who are in a position to interact with people who do not specialize in mathematics, through joint research and educational activities.