
Banquet (Fukuoka)

Date: July 26, 2017
Time: 18:15-20:15
Place: Japanese Restaurant "Tenjin Fuyo" , Tenjin area in Fukuoka city
Shuttle bus: depart at 16:45 from Ito campus to restaurant
                     depart at 20:45 to Ito campus via Kyudai gakken-toshi station
Fee: 8,000 JPY
       5,000 JPY for Student

If you have food allergies or religious restrictions, please contact us until 20 July.
E-mail : sgw(at)
※ アレルギーや宗教上,食べることのできない食品がある場合は7月20日(木) までにご連絡ください.
    連絡先:sgw(at) ((at)を@に変えて下さい.)


Banquet (Tokyo)

Date: July 31, 2017
Time: 18:00-20:00
Place: Faculty House “S” seminar room , The University of Tokyo
Fee: 5,000 JPY
       3,000 JPY for Student