九州大学 マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所

グエン ディン ホア グエン ディン ホア


研究者情報 研究・技術カタログ

My current research mainstream is Applied Mathematics for Energy Systems which intersects between control systems, power and energy systems, and optimization, through collaboration with WPI-I2CNER. Particularly, I focus on problems in smart grid, multi-agent systems, and distributed optimization and control, where there are many emergent and challenging issues arising from the integration of stochastic and intermittent renewable energy sources, the control approaches for demand response and real-time pricing, the detection and protection against cyber-attacks, etc. Those complex problems may be handled by utilizing a combination of several applied mathematical tools including dynamical systems, nonlinear optimization, graph theory, nonlinear systems, and machine learning. Furthermore, I am also interested in iterative learning control, robust control, and optimal control, which are important tools to address many other interesting problems of realistic systems.

キーワード Control Systems, Smart Grid, Distributed Optimization, Multi-Agent System, Consensus Control, Synchronization, Learning Systems, Optimal and Robust Control
部門 数学テクノロジー先端研究部門
リンク Homepage カーボンニュートラル・エネルギー国際研究所 マルチスケール構造科学ユニット